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Medicine for the Wounded Spirit: Buddleia Davidii

Updated: May 18

Buddleia; The Butterfly Bush

Buddleia is a fast-growing and super hardy plant. You've probably seen it bursting out of the cracks in the pavements of your local town or city.

The butterflies and bees love the flowers.  

A Dose of Inner Peace

Buddleia is fast becoming known as one of the major remedies of our time. And is sometimes referred to as 'the homeopathic tranquilliser'.

My homeopath prescribed Buddleia for me a few years back and I remember the feeling of safety and peace it brought me.

Like homeopathic silica nourishes the fragile body.

Buddleia nourishes a vulnerable spirit. 

I believe Buddleia is well deserving of a place in our first aid kits alongside our other trauma favourites like; Aconite, Arnica and Ignatia.

We can think of Buddleia for acute emotional distress ever since an unresolvable and traumatic event. 

Buddleia; Homeopathic Uses

Buddleia is known to be useful for symptoms which are centred around:

  • Spirit/Soul

  • Emotions 

  • Spine 

  • Head  

  • Pituitary gland

Buddleia keynotes:

  🌱 Never Been Well Since (NBWS): traumatic birth (mother & child),  A blow to the head, Road Traffic accident, Abuse or alienation, General anaesthetic, Multiple changes all at once.

🌱 Absolute dread of hospitals, surgery, dentists or childbirth. 

🌱 Desires sugar which makes them worse (especially nauseating headaches)

🌱 Emotional distress since an unresolvable intense event. 

🌱 Frequent overwhelm and rising panic feelings. 

🌱 Feeling waterlogged 

🌱 Craves tranquillity - mental congestion (mind talk has a mind of its own)

Home Prescribing Ideas:

For acute (intense or recent) emotional distress that fit the Buddliea keynotes you might give:

🌼 Buddleia 200c single dose only.

🌼 You might repeat this dose a week later (but only if distress improves, only to relapse later).

Buddleia is fast acting. So, If there’s no improvement after the first 1-3 days, this probably isn’t the remedy for you (for now)… so, try comparing other distress remedies. 

If you have unresolved trauma that's impacting on your daily life, or maybe acute remedies are helping, but they need frequent repetition; then I'd love to be your homeopathic guide.

The homeopathic consultation is a beautifully understanding process and can really help us to make sense of emotional distress and prevent relapses too.

Warmest Wishes

Do you have a Buddleia success story?

I’d love to hear it in the comments below.



*Meditative Provings Vol.2 - Madeline Evans

*The New Materia Medica Vol.1 - Colin Griffith


Hi, I'm Alex a qualified homeopath with over 10 years experience in family practice.

I specialise in supporting sensitive families with stress and trauma-related illnesses.

For more information, you can message me via: or book a free call


Disclaimer: This post is intended for informational purposes & does not replace professional medical advice.

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