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Adult initial Consultation

  • Your confidential consultation will feel like a relaxed conversation.

  • I will be listening to your health concerns & together we will begin to understand the full impact this has had on you.

  • We will explore the possible triggers of your illness.

 Children's Consultation​

  • You know your child best. Children do not need to attend the consultation unless they wish to. 

  • This is a space for you to bring all your health concerns. Parents often find it helps them join the dots and understand the 'whys' behind behavioural or stuck health conditions.


The Prescription

This will be posted to you a day or so after your consultation* and will include a note explaining how to take your medicines and one, or a combination of, the following natural medicines*: 

Homeopathic Medicines, Herbal Blends, Nutritional Tissue Salts or Flower Essence.  

*UK only - Please note non-UK clients will have their homeopathic remedies shipped directly from the pharmacy (which will take more time).




At the beginning of treatment these sessions take place every 3-6 weeks (depending on the severity of your symptoms).

During these sessions we will talk about your progress & make any necessary adjustments to  your prescription. 

Children & recent flare-ups may only require 2-3 visits. 

Most of my registered clients visit once every 6-8 weeks or just 3-4 times a year. 

3 first steps towards your health goals

How to bravely get started: 

1. Email me: Tell me about your symptoms and I will talk you through your treatment options, costs and the initial steps we could take towards your health goals.

2. Book your first consultation: By email or via my online calendar

3. After your consultation: Relax and wait for your treatment plan & homeopathic remedies to land on your doormat! 


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