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A Bit About Me 


Hello! I'm Alex & I'm a qualified and fully insured Homeopath with over 10 years experience in family practice. 


When I first discovered homeopathy, 15 years ago, I was a very reluctant patient!

 I'd been unwell for 5 years & nothing had helped me. Actually I was getting worse, so it was a really tough time & I was feeling pretty hopeless by the time I finally got my referral to the Homeopathic Hospital. 

However, the medical homeopath I saw was incredible. For the first time since being unwell I felt truly heard & understood. 

 Over the next few years this gentle & sensitive consultation process, along with a series of carefully selected medicines, transformed my life. So much so, that I was inspired to study this marvellous medicine for myself.   


I qualified with a first class degree in Homeopathy from 'The Centre for Homeopathic Education' in 2012. 

I've since qualified as a HomeoBotanical Practitioner.

I've also done extensive studies in the Bach Flower Essences & Nutrition.    


I belong to a supervision group & am committed to continuing my learning & keeping up to date with the latest health studies.   


I love researching & solving puzzles, nature & music are my great escapes & I also enjoy drawing & reading story books with my son.


Warmest Wishes 




About me
About Homeopathy

About Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a gradual process whereby the body is stimulated to heal itself naturally. 


Homeopathic medicines are made under strictly controlled conditions by specialist licensed pharmacies.

Using tiny amounts of natural substances, such as minerals and plants, pharmacists can create thousands of different medicines.   

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